15 Apr 2019

As a consumer, have you ever been disappointed about the quality of fresh produce? An avocado that wasn't 'ready to eat', or a tomato without any flavour? Having an understanding of the flavour, quality and keeping quality of fresh products has never been so important. Innovative Fresh, a quality-monitoring company, provides us with objective and independently acquired data so that consumers can always enjoy a delicious tomato.

As a consumer, have you ever been disappointed about the quality of fresh produce? An avocado that wasn't 'ready to eat', or a tomato without any flavour? Having an understanding of the flavour, quality and keeping quality of fresh products has never been so important. Innovative Fresh, a quality-monitoring company, provides us with objective and independently acquired data so that consumers can always enjoy a delicious tomato.

Consumers now have a wide range of choice, and we're increasingly competing on the basis of quality. This makes it essential to be continuously aware of how consumers judge our products. Innovative Fresh helps us in this regard by measuring product quality and keeping quality. It does this by having a consumer panel and specialised employees who visit supermarkets in Europe every week and buy fresh produce just like consumers would.


Knowing the keeping quality of our products once they are purchased from a supermarket is valuable knowledge. For us, Innovative Fresh focuses on both external and intrinsic characteristics such as colour, flavour and firmness. Their analyses give us insight into the quality of a product per segment, variety, cultivation location, week or period.


The consumer is the link in the supply chain that ultimately determines whether a tomato is a success or not. And this end user is becoming increasingly critical about the quality of fresh produce. What's more, there's a huge selection of products and they vary greatly in quality. How do consumers rate flavour? Does the tomato have the right colour? Is the tomato firm enough? As a brand, we want to stay in contact with consumers because we want to meet their needs and preferences - both now and in the future.

Prominent will continue to distinguish itself, so we are committed to monitoring and developing the best and most delicious tomatoes for our customers!

Stef Baetings
Product Marketeer DOOR Partners/Prominent

Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments

With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?