Plant A Seed Now, Pick the Fruits Later

02 Sep 2020

Quick thinking is essential in Sales and Marketing. Actions often focus on the short term: achieving short-lived success before moving on to the next. But looking further ahead has its advantages. Try doing some research or talk to experts to expand your horizons. What are the developments for the coming five years? If you plan a seed now, you can pick the fruits later.

Quick thinking is essential in Sales and Marketing. Actions often focus on the short term: achieving short-lived successes before moving on to the next. But looking further ahead has its advantages. Try doing some research or talk to experts. Expand your horizons. What are the developments for the coming five years? If you plan a seed now, you can pick the fruits later.

Foreseeing the future

Staying well-informed is crucial to compete. What are the market’s current developments? Which trends are visible? What about the future perspective? By following the developments on a national and international level and by foreseeing the future of the fruit and vegetable sector, you stay one step ahead. Tip: talk to experts and keep an eye on other sectors. Their vision could be incorporated in your marketing strategy.

The journey from small seed to scrumptious tomato

Prominent stays up to date, relevant and keeps taking risks. Only then can you move forward. Our tomato growers and plant breeders follow the same principle. With a forward-looking approach, they keep developing new products. By innovating now, our greenhouses will be filled with new varieties in the future. The complex process of cross breeding takes time. The journey of a small seed transforming into a scrumptious tomato can take ten years.

A healthy base for new generations

For Marketing and Sales, the same principle applies: plant a seed today for it to bloom tomorrow. If you inspire consumers now, you will benefit from it later. Staying relevant is important but keep the future in mind too. By sharing knowledge now, you build a healthy base for future generations. Not only will young and old appreciate fresh produce more, they will also have more fun in the kitchen!

DOOR Partners / Prominent builds a healthy future. Would you like to learn more about our fresh produce? Do not hesitate to get in touch with Wim van den Berg of DOOR Partners / Prominent: or +31 (0)6 5756 4346.

The sales, marketing and quality control of Prominent tomatoes are handled by Door Partners B.V. This sales subsidiary forms part of the Grower Cooperative DOOR U.A.

Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments

With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?