Be transparent and tell your story

01 Oct 2018

The need for information among consumers is increasing. More and more, they want to know who has made a product, where it comes from and what you can do with it. Consumers are also sensitive to the reputation of a product. In short, it is increasingly important to inform consumers as transparently and completely as possible. What does this mean for our tomatoes?

The need for information among consumers is increasing. More and more, they want to know who has made a product, where it comes from and what you can do with it. Consumers are also sensitive to the reputation of a product. In short, it is increasingly important to inform consumers as transparently and completely as possible. What does this mean for our tomatoes?

Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn is a good example. This is one of those companies that actively share their product information with customers. For example, the face of 'the grower' regularly appears in a TV commercial or on the shop floor. But the Allerhande concept is also a successful example. A magazine, a website with recipes, a social component for reactions and input of readers’ own recipes, all linked to shopping lists and even an app that shows the path to walk to the required products in the store. In this wayAH knows how to build ties witha lot of customers.

Share relevant content

Above all, information, or content, must be relevant. Interesting for consumers to read andshare. And we as Prominent are happy to help our partners and retailers in their information needs. Whether it's about cultivation, sustainability or gaining inspiration. And there’s no lack of relevant content about tomatoes. It is perhaps the most versatile type of vegetable. So versatile that the tomato stood out page-wide on the cover of the April issue of Allerhande magazine. In a nine-page article, not only were the different varieties and their properties discussed, butthe editorial team also showed how to grate, marinate and roast the tomato. Just like we do in our preparation videos on our website.

We love tomatoes

And do you want your story to stick with people? Then add something personal. Give your business a face. Inspire or surprise. That’s what we did with the story behind our tomatoes and our growers. Using a storyboard consisting of six different images, we honestly and openly talk about the passion with which our growers work on our sustainably grown healthy and tasty products.

Looking for relevant information about tomatoes? Then contact us.

Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments

With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?