Cooperative growers' association Prominent and DOOR join day-to-day management

11 Oct 2017

Cooperative growers' association Prominent and DOOR join day-to-day management Jan Opschoor has been appointed the new managing director at Prominent On 1 November, Jan Opschoor will become the managing director at Prominent while also remaining the managing director at DOOR. Prominent is a cooperative made up of 29 tomato growers with a total of 365 hectares of tomato cultivation areas. By appointing Jan Opschoor, Prominent is assured of maximum collaboration between DOOR's commercial activities and Prominent's cultivation and consumer-sized packaging activities. Prominent's commercial activities have been handled by DOOR since this organisation was founded.

Cooperative growers' association Prominent and DOOR join day-to-day management

Jan Opschoor has been appointed the new managing director at Prominent

On 1 November, Jan Opschoor will become the managing director at Prominent while also remaining the managing director at DOOR. Prominent is a cooperative made up of 29 tomato growers with a total of 365 hectares of tomato cultivation areas. By appointing Jan Opschoor, Prominent is assured of maximum collaboration between DOOR's commercial activities and Prominent's cultivation and consumer-sized packaging activities. Prominent's commercial activities have been handled by DOOR since this organisation was founded.

Making Jan Opschoor also responsible for Prominent's activities will make the organisation even more effective across the board. Jan Opschoor: 'Having a single executive board responsible for management will shorten the lines of communication and improve efficiency. I would also like to join the other two board members, the employees and the growers in building on a strong organisation that already exists.'

Under DOOR, five brands have joined their sales and marketing services: Prominent as a tomato specialist, Purple Pride (aubergines), Green Diamonds (cucumbers), and PapriCo and Sweetpoint (bell and sweet pointed peppers). This appointment will have no effect on the other four brands.

According to the 2020 vision statements issued by both DOOR and Prominent, growth is needed to continue to meet market requirements. Prominent's executive board is convinced that Jan Opschoor is the right person to realise growth and to continue meeting market requirements.

Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments

With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?