15 Apr 2019

When talking about our top tomatoes for quality and taste, we simply have to include the Brioso. This tasty cocktail vine tomato with a fruit weigh of 40 grams is characterised by just the right balance of tart and sweet.

Product : Cocktail vine tomato
Fruit weight : 40 g
Flavour : Aromatic and fresh with a savoury taste
Texture : Firm fruit wall (pericarp) with sufficient bite
Availability : Year-round

When talking about our top tomatoes for quality and taste, we simply have to include the Brioso. This tasty cocktail vine tomato with a fruit weigh of 40 grams is characterised by just the right balance of tart and sweet. The appearance of the vine is very attractive because the fruits are very close to each other. Their deep red colour is more consistent throughout than other cocktail vine tomatoes, and their evenly developed fruits remain fresh longer. The delicious aromas of the Brioso are perfect in a delightful salad.

If you'd like to try this yourself, visit our website where you can watch several preparation videos.

Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments

With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?