Partnership on a plate

04 Oct 2016

Our delicious vine tomatoes end up in the kitchen of the end consumer because of the joint effort of our chain partners. Together they strive to deliver the best varieties to be used in any type of dish. We love being in the kitchen ourselves and are keen to inspire others to invite their friends for dinner and make it a night to remember!

Our delicious vine tomatoes end up in the kitchen of the end consumer because of the joint effort of our chain partners. Together they strive to deliver the best varieties to be used in any type of dish. We love being in the kitchen ourselves and are keen to inspire others to invite their friends for dinner and make it a night to remember!

From Seedling to Salad, Sauce or Snack

We can guarantee that the tasty vine tomatoes which ultimately land on a plate are super fresh and nutritious. Thanks to our short supply chain, our tomatoes go directly from our greenhouses to the retailers. Our tomato growers, office staff, packaging team and those responsible for logistics and retail are all working towards a common goal: a fast supply of high quality, healthy tomatoes to the end consumer. This is what we call Partnership on a Plate.

Keeping Our Finger on the Pulse

The experience and expertise of our growers are not the only reasons why we choose to grow certain varieties of vine tomatoes. We also listen to the consumer’s wishes and keep our eyes and ears open in order to spot retail trends at an early stage. Our smart and sustainable growing methods allow us to instantly respond to these trends and focus on producing these favourable varieties. Soon after, the end consumer will be able to use our vine tomatoes in a whole range of dishes.

Sharing Our Recipe for Success

Our knowledge does not end at growing high quality vine tomatoes, we also know how to use them in the kitchen. Each variety has its own characteristics and can therefore either be turned into a salad, soup, sauce or enjoyed as a snack. We love to inspire our shoppers, retailers and end consumers and show how a seemingly simple tomato can be transformed into a delicious dish. Our campaigns emphasise the joy of cooking and the social aspect of having dinner with friends. We steer clear of elaborate instructions, because we think a great evening only needs three ingredients: our vine tomatoes, a cosy kitchen and a group of friends. This is our recipe for success!

Are you inspired by our words and would you like to know more about our products? Do not hesitate to get in touch with Wim van den Berg or +31 (0)6 5756 4346.

The sales, marketing and quality control of Prominent tomatoes are handled by Door Partners B.V. This sales subsidiary forms part of the Grower Cooperative DOOR U.A.

Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments

With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?